Before you hit cancel please reach out to us at first so we can try and resolve your issue(s). Our dedicated support team is here to help you.
If you still wish to cancel, please follow the steps below:
Go to Slipstream Music
Log in to your Slip.Stream account
Go to your profile
Click on Manage Subscription
Click Cancel Subscription
Follow the cancelation process
*Note: You’ll have access to music/SFX up until your last billing date. All content created prior to the cancelation will remain covered.
What happens to my content if I cancel my subscription?
All the content you created and uploaded to your channels prior to the end date of your subscription is covered by the License Agreement forever.
If you run into any issues with the cancelation process or past content being claimed, please reach out to our support team at and we’ll be able to assist you. Our team will follow up with you in 24 to 48 hours.